What is Virtual Orchestra School?

Virtual Orchestra School’s mission is to teach, inspire, support, and engage students who home school through exceptional virtual teaching and flexible learning. Virtual Orchestra School is also perfect for adult beginners who feel like they “missed the boat” on learning an instrument (violin, viola, or cello) as a student in school. It’s never too late to learn something new! 

When the pandemic began I learned that I like teaching virtually and that we are all capable of more than we ever imagined. I am excited to have the opportunity to bring music education and community to students all over the world with Virtual Orchestra School. I look forward to offering a positive and enthusiastic learning environment and I am committed to maintaining high musical standards for myself and my students. 

Learners can choose between a twice weekly class or an accelerated class that meets 4x weekly. Most classes will take place between the hours of 9:00 am- 2:00 pm CST. I am considering offering an evening class if there is enough demand. All classes will happen in real time on Zoom. My goal is that in 1-3 years time the student will be playing at a level of proficiency to become a member of a local youth symphony, play in a church orchestra, attend summer orchestra camps and festivals, or graduate to advanced private lessons. It is my mission to help students reach their goals on their instrument. 

Visit www.virtualorchestraschool.com for more information. 

Facebook and Instagram: @virtualorchestraschool 

Email: virtualorchestraschool@gmail.com

